
OPS will start Pre-KG to Lower Primary classes in the academic year of 2006 – 2007 with maximum strength of 432 students. During the second schooling year 1000 more admissions will be awarded. Classrooms will be designed in accordance with CBSE norms. Scholar ship will be given to outstanding students. One student will be provided free education, in each standard as part of our aim of social service. OPS will follow CBSE syllabus.

Class & Age group

Pre KG 2 1/2 & above
LKG 3 1/2 and above
UKG 4 1/2 and above
Primary 6 to 10

Early Childhood programme – Pre-KG, LKG, UKG

A child’s first experiences of school are some of the most important ones of their life. Children need to feel safe, and have classrooms that combine wonder and energy to provide interaction with teachers and supporting staff. We have keen interest in creating visually rich environment while developing an enriched and activity based curriculum for the kindergartners.
“It will be a new world for a new start”